Well, today was the Conway Art and Music Festival.........Well it's Actually still going on. It was pretty enjoyable. We got there around 10:30am. They were still setting up a lot of things. They had many different types of vendors. Food vendors, Clothing, Art, etc....There is only so much time we could spend there till the kids would start to get rambunctious.

They had a stage for some talent to get up and sing. This is one of the girls, shown above that went up stage. She was pretty good too. I was told her name, but I have such a bad memory, I forgot right away!!

This is one of the other girls,shown above, that performed. As you can see she was being introduced.

Now the picture that you see above is my favorite. It reminds me of back home in Jersey. FUNNEL CAKES!!!! I felt like I was down the shore again. It was so tasty......especially with all that powdered sugar!

My father-in-law would have a field day with the Polish Sausage!!
All in all it was a good time. I would have liked to stay there just a little bit longer. But, again the kids!!!lol
There are some other pics that are on my facebook.